Coffee Culture in Tunisia

Coffee has always been an inherit part of the Arab Culture. Playing cards and drinking coffee is still a very popular aspect of daily life. There are traditional coffee shops all over the local streets. Platic chairs on side walks make for the perfect spot for men to sit and drink coffee usually a dinar or less, smoke chicha and play cards or watch soccer on TV. There are now plenty of trendy coffee spots for everyone, men and women all enjoying tea or coffee with plenty of sweet treats on the side. Coffee has a very high standard, and coffee companies that roast locally have incredible coffee. The coffee shops that offer a full menu and desserts which are beyond your wildest dream are opening everywhere. Coffee Culture has taken a major turn and become a very dominant part of social life in Tunisia. The aspect about coffee shops in Tunisia which impresses me everytime I go out is the level of class. The chairs are large regal chairs, the servers come with white gloves, bow ties and waist coats. Even if the coffee is in a small local shop you feel like you are in a palace as the guest of some arab royalty. The only downside, and its a big one for me is the amount of smoke in the coffee shops. People still smoke indoors and this drives me crazy.  

Where to Start...

Recommending the best coffee is a life long commitment in itself, which I would be happy to do...spending everyday trying new coffee spots, but Id never get through all the great coffee shops. The great part about the coffee shops is they are independantly owned by passionate people wanting to create an experience, so the coffee is good, the ambiance is relaxing - the service can be hit or miss. The coffee though is always good. 

I would recommend going in your neighbourhood, you dont need to venture far from where you are to enjoy good coffee. If you want a different ambiance, choose a beach or Lac and enjoy a view with your coffee. My personal favourite coffee spot is Ben Yedder in La Marsa. There are not many seats but Im there for the coffee. Excellent coffee and service. I have never seen better service and happiness in the staffs faces than there. They know their clients and work to please. We buy the coffee from there, hot and freshly roasted. A must try.