Tunis - An adventure into modern Berber culture, Modern Tunisian Metropolitan Life & Ancient Heritage that merges to create a unique ambiance like no other.

When coming to Tunis be ready to experience a very modern lifestyle with all the luxuries of Europe & US, as well as explore ancient ruins, eat incredible dishes & be enchanted by hospitality that is a rarity to find. A warm and welcoming place to come alive and enjoy some quality time with family. 

For your first visit to Tunis Id say the following are a great check list of must see and experience places. If you would like a private tour or guide send us a message to arrange pick up from your hotel and drop off. 

- Sidi Bou Said (Of course!!) Ideally a late afternoon to enjoy the sunset and a beautiful dinner and evening coffee.
- Souq Tunis
- Bizerte 
- RafRaf (for a great day at the beach.)
- Bardo Museum
- Lac (A wonderful afternoon walk and meal around the Lake of Tunis.)
- Dougga (Slightly further, but oh SO SO worth it! An ancient tour of the past that will leave you bewildered.)

For the best in restaurants, patisserie and experiences send us a message with your dates and how many people to ensure you experience some unbeatable cuisine and site seeing.